1 Error 2 Sorry, this plugin requires Photoshop 3.0 specific features 3 None 4 Directional 5 Omni 6 Spotlight 7 Flat 8 Mountainous 9 Matte 10 Shiny 11 Plastic 12 Metallic 13 Under 14 Over 15 Negative 16 Positive 17 Negative 18 Full 19 Narrow 20 Wide 21 Caution 22 Cannot delete light. You must have at least one light defined at all times. 23 Caution 24 Cannot add light. You have reached the maximum allowed number of lights. Try using an existing light. 25 LtStyles 26 Error 27 An error occurred while trying to save the style. 28 Error 29 An error occurred while trying to load the style. 30 Default 31 already exists. Do you want to replace it? 32 Save... 33 Do you want to delete 34 Delete 35 Select the ambient color 36 Select the light's color 37 Error 38 Sorry, unable to save 39 because the style is read-only. 40 Error 41 Sorry, unable to delete 42 because the style is read-only.